Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Current Event - Santa

     Every year most parents take their children to see Santa.This is always an experience filled with memories and happiness. However a small portion of kids are left out. Autistic children find it very hard to handle Santa at the mall. The lines, candy canes, crying children, cameras flashing, and rushed parents; it is all just too much for them.
     This year some parents of autistic children will be given an option containing an experience with less anxiety. Santa is less jolly, less noisey, and no pressure is put on the kids. This allows autistic children to have the same experience that all the other kids have each holiday season.
Image result for santa

Monday, November 28, 2016

Chapter 29 Study Guide

A. Vocabulary

problem definition- when a business clearly identifies a problem or research issue
primary data- data obtained for the first time
secondary data- have already been collected
survey method- a research technique where a specific group of people are asked questions (primary data)
sample- a part of the target population
observation method- research technique where actions of people are watched or recorded
point-of-sale method- combines natural observation with personal interviews to explain buying behavior
experimental method- where a researcher observes the results of changing one or more variables while keep some variables the same
data analysis- compiling, analyzing, and interpreting secondary and primary data collection
open-ended questions- no right or wrong answer, promoting suggestions
forced-choice questions- Two choice questions or multiple choice questions\

B. Research Steps

1. defining the problem
2. obtaining data
3. analyzing the data
4. recommending solutions to the problem
5. applying the results

C. Main Points

-marketing research process
-how secondary data is obtained
-how primary data is obtained
-constructing a questionnaire
- the impact of computer technologies on marketing research

D. Minor Points

-internet sources
-US government sources
-consumer and business info ccompanies
-business and trade publications
-the survey method
-the observation method
-the experimental method
-writing questions
-administrating the questionnaire

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Survey Reaction

I received 13 responses on my survey. What I learned from my survey was that most students like office hours. Most people asked for office hours everyday. This surprised me a lot. This would probably cause more homework in order for teachers to keep up with the curriculum. Which is why I disagree with office hours everyday unlike every other person that took my survey.